Your back has a very tough job. It supports your entire frame, and without it, you would not be able to stand erect. The spine is composed of vertebrae and discs. The discs cushion the vertebrae, allowing them to perform correctly and let your spine bend. When you have a disc injury, you need to see a chiropractor near you. At Summit Chiropractic and Wellness, our chiropractors in Louisville provide spinal decompression therapy.

When you have disc degeneration, it can cause sciatica. This is a painful condition that affects your ability to perform the normal daily activities of life. To understand spinal decompression, you need to understand how the spine is constructed and how the pain associated with disc injury is addressed.

How Spinal Decompression Is Performed

Spinal decompression is a form of gentle traction. The patient is strapped to a special table, and a computer program operates the traction. The program is set each time to suit the particular patient. The gentle pulling will over time increase the space between the vertebrae. When this happens, more blood and nutrients can get to the disc, which helps with healing. It also creates a suction that will eventually pull the disc back where it belongs between the vertebrae.

While the vertebrae are making more room, they also stop pressing on the nerves in the spine, which alleviates the pain, tingling, and numbness that may result when the disc is compressed. In doing so, it improves mobility and gets the spine back into alignment.

How Spinal Decompression Helps

When the additional space is created between the vertebrae, there is a decrease in pain. Mobility is increased due to the reduction of pain and numbness. With nothing pressing on them and more space, the disc can heal, and the health of the disc improves. This treatment allows you to get help with your disc pain without having to resort to medication or surgery. While spinal decompression may not be right for everyone, it could be right for you. Let our doctors view your spine to see if we can help.

Contact Our Chiropractors in Louisville, CO

For a chiropractor near you to help with a disc injury, disc degeneration, or sciatica, Summit Chiropractic and Wellness offers decompression therapy to help get you back up and moving. Give our office a call today at (720) 457-9509 for an appointment.

Your back has a very tough job. It supports your entire frame, and without it, you would not be able to stand erect. The spine is composed of vertebrae and discs. The discs cushion the vertebrae, allowing them to perform correctly and let your spine bend. When you have a disc injury, you need to see a chiropractor near you. At Summit Chiropractic and Wellness, our chiropractors in Louisville provide spinal decompression therapy.

When you have disc degeneration, it can cause sciatica. This is a painful condition that affects your ability to perform the normal daily activities of life. To understand spinal decompression, you need to understand how the spine is constructed and how the pain associated with disc injury is addressed.

How Spinal Decompression Is Performed

Spinal decompression is a form of gentle traction. The patient is strapped to a special table, and a computer program operates the traction. The program is set each time to suit the particular patient. The gentle pulling will over time increase the space between the vertebrae. When this happens, more blood and nutrients can get to the disc, which helps with healing. It also creates a suction that will eventually pull the disc back where it belongs between the vertebrae.

While the vertebrae are making more room, they also stop pressing on the nerves in the spine, which alleviates the pain, tingling, and numbness that may result when the disc is compressed. In doing so, it improves mobility and gets the spine back into alignment.

How Spinal Decompression Helps

When the additional space is created between the vertebrae, there is a decrease in pain. Mobility is increased due to the reduction of pain and numbness. With nothing pressing on them and more space, the disc can heal, and the health of the disc improves. This treatment allows you to get help with your disc pain without having to resort to medication or surgery. While spinal decompression may not be right for everyone, it could be right for you. Let our doctors view your spine to see if we can help.

Contact Our Chiropractors in Louisville, CO

For a chiropractor near you to help with a disc injury, disc degeneration, or sciatica, Summit Chiropractic and Wellness offers decompression therapy to help get you back up and moving. Give our office a call today at (720) 457-9509 for an appointment.

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