Acupuncture is an ages-old, Chinese healing technique that is safe, effective, and reliable when it comes to providing proven pain relief. It can be used by people of all ages who are trying to get the relief they need without the use of harsh medications and invasive procedures. Acupuncture treatment is one type of holistic medicine that can be used in conjunction with many different types of alternative therapies. The acupuncturist at Summit Chiropractic and Wellness can help you get the pain relief you need to feel better.


The Benefits of Acupuncture

The benefits of acupuncture are quite extensive. By clearing energy blockages from the primary channels throughout your body, acupuncture gives the body a chance to heal itself. It can be used to break the habits associated with addiction as well as improve sleep patterns and encourage better health habits. Acupuncture has few side effects and can easily be used alongside other alternative therapies. During an acupuncture session, patients are encouraged to relax and give their bodies a chance to rejuvenate and heal.

Using Acupuncture for Chronic Pain

Acupuncture is well-known for providing sustained pain relief. Acupuncture therapy can provide relief from back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, and more. Athletes can find pain relief from their injuries while they are working their way through the healing process. For individuals who deal with chronic pain, regular visits to their chiropractor and acupuncturist can help them manage pain without harsh medications that often have severe side effects.

Acupuncture and Chiropractic Care

Acupuncture and chiropractic care go together well when it comes to providing the highest quality of care. Chiropractic adjustments and corrective exercises can keep the body in motion, while acupuncture treatment can help manage chronic pain and discomfort. By using both treatment options in support of one another, your healthcare team can provide you with a care plan you can count on.

Schedule Your Appointment with Summit Chiropractic and Wellness Today!

If you are looking for acupuncture near you or a chiropractor in Louisville, CO, call Summit Chiropractic and Wellness as soon as possible. Our team is also serving Lafayette, Broomfield, Superior, and Westminster residents. We know that being in pain is debilitating. Our team of dedicated professionals can provide you with the pain relief you need to get your life back on track. Call today to schedule an appointment! We can answer your questions and provide you with a personalized treatment plan.

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